Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc.

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We’re Experts in Conducting Agricultural Flux Studies.

Over the past 20 years, Sullivan Environmental has participated in over 60 Agricultural Fumigant Flux Studies. We conduct research according to GLP standards and Sullivan Environmental’s standard operating procedures. Our firm maintains 46 solar-powered air sampling stations that allow for continuous pump running. We also have a substantial inventory of sonic anemometer sensors and additional meteorological equipment.  


We deploy air sampling equipment to the field study as needed.

Typically, agricultural fumigant flux studies are designed to assess the flux of fumigant(s) as they enter the air for approximately seven to fourteen days following fumigation. 


For instance, in a study of three different tarps or fumigant application methods, Sullivan Environmental established meteorological equipment on three fields and monitored the emissions continuously for the predetermined study length. As of 2016, we have significantly upgraded our flux study field equipment inventory.  


We can provide flux studies of fumigants or other surface-based emissions anywhere in the United States.  


A list of common fumigants and their registration status can be found here:  Regulatory Status of Fumigants | US EPA

The following are examples of public domain field studies conducted by Sullivan Environmental Consulting:

  • STUDY ID: SEC 2007A – Field Volatility of MITC after Application of Metam-Sodium by Chemigation and Shank Injection Comparing Standard Water Sealing with Pulsed Water Sealing.
  • STUDY ID: SEC 2009F – Monitoring of Metam Sodium Airborne Flux for Shank Injection for Cultural Practice Applicable to Wisconsin.
  • STUDY ID: SEC 2009G – Monitoring of Metam Sodium Airborne Flux from Shank Injection / Compaction Based on Cultural Practice Applicable to Michigan.
  • STUDY ID: SEC 2010C – Monitoring of Metam Sodium Airborne Flux from Shank Injection / Compaction Based on Cultural Practice Applicable to Washington State.
  • STUDY ID: SEC 2002 – 2003 USDA CSREES Research, Bakersfield, California Shank Injection and Chemigation Trials for Metam-Sodium.
Agricultural Fumigant Flux Study

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