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Sullivan Environmental Consulting is Your AERMOD Modeling Expert in Los Angeles

Are you looking for AERMOD Modeling Experts Serving Los Angeles?


Sullivan Environmental has over 35 years of experience offering AERMOD and consulting solutions. AERMOD is a complete and powerful air dispersion model that seamlessly incorporates the U.S. EPA air dispersion models into one integrated interface.  Furthermore, we offer highly competitive rates because of our low overhead expenses compared to larger firms. 


Count on Sullivan Environmental for AERMOD Modeling in Los Angeles, CA

The next-generation air dispersion model is the AMS/EPA Regulatory Model (AERMOD).  Additionally, It is often used to assess pollution concentration and deposition worldwide. Sullivan Environmental Consulting can help you:

  • Significantly obtain better input data and model output;
  • Simultaneously obtain model results that accurately reflect reality and will stand up to critical review;
  • Make the difference between indefensible results and those that will securely satisfy client needs;
  • Similarly, understand the technical underpinnings of the model as they relate to the application at hand;
  • Determine the difference between defensible and indefensible results in the emission rate data’s quality, or lack thereof, entered into the model.
  • Identify data that are reasonably representative of the application at hand;
  • Review guidance documents and peer-reviewed literature to identify emission data that will stand the test of critical review. This can be particularly complicated for sources such as wind-blown dust and many other fugitive (non-ducted) sources that often can be essential to obtaining quality results.
Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling

How Can We Help You With Your Air Quality Requirements?

Contact us today for all of your atmospheric air quality modeling, air quality monitoring, and expert air quality related litigation support needs.