- info@sullivan-environmental.com
- 1900 Elkin Street, Suite 200, Alexandria VA 22308
- (703) 780-4580
Air exposure assessment, risk assessment, and risk management are the three major components of assessing risks from exposure to air pollutants. At Sullivan Environmental, we have been at the forefront of developing methods for air exposure assessment and have conducted research for the U.S. EPA and industrial clients aimed at identifying exposures from specific source categories.
Risk assessment involves the review of average and worst-case exposures in relation to cancer potency scores and relative to threshold limit values for non-cancer endpoints. Through the identification of the upper-bound risks by pollutant and source category, the priority sources and pollutants for subsequent control analyses can be identified. Risk management involves evaluating the most cost-effective and practical ways to reduce risk (average exposures and maximum exposures). Sullivan Environmental Consulting has been involved in all of these areas with air exposure assessment as the primary area of expertise.
In all cases, there is a major limitation in terms of applying routine Gaussian dispersion models, i.e., how to define meteorological conditions when the emissions event of concern takes place. There are two major options, as follows:
The goals of assessment are similar if the exposure study is a threshold or non-threshold evaluation. Locations in close proximity to key sources need to be modeled with as much specificity as possible in terms of the release characteristics of nearby sources. Simplifying assumptions in terms of spatial aggregation of sources, treatment of building down wash, and other site-specific features usually become of much greater significance as the distance between the source and receptor is decreased.
The diurnal features of the sources can be important in some cases. Operations that are concentrated in the daytime need to be modeled accordingly because of the strong bias towards restrictive dispersion conditions that produce worst-case conditions for near-ground sources during many nighttime periods. Especially for non-cancer endpoints with thresholds effects, it is essential to add background concentrations to the modeled concentrations for sources within the modeling domain.
Finally, if measured air quality data are available, model performance testing provides an opportunity to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the emissions and modeling treatments and the potential to improve model performance. Testing on this basis is recommended whenever sufficient measured air quality data or soil concentration data (to evaluate performance for modeled deposition) are available. The above features were factored into the EPA Air Quality Integrated Management System (AIMS) developed by Sullivan Environmental and installed in the Baltimore metropolitan area in the mid-1990s as a prototype system for managing air quality at the urban-scale of analysis. This system also was used as one of the three urban air toxic studies conducted by the EPA as required by the Clean Air Act of 1990, i.e. The Baltimore Air Toxics Study. A system such as AIMS offers the potential to provide efficient air quality management in the future.