Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc.

Obtaining Air Permits Can Be Complex - Consult with Us!

Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc. conducts dispersion modeling to support air quality permit applications, including Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permits. We also complete state air quality permits and modeling to support Title V. See: Operating Permits Issued under Title V of the Clean Air Act | US EPA

Furthermore, obtaining the necessary air quality permits to construct or modify a facility can range in difficulty from routine to extremely complex. Additionally, complications may arise in situations where demonstrating compliance proves challenging. This may be due to national ambient air quality standards, state air toxic guideline values, or increments.

In challenging situations like these, experience in emissions assessment and dispersion modeling analysis is crucial for permit completion. Furthermore, we are affiliated with firms specializing in emissions assessment. We also collaborate with firms that support air pollution control evaluations and permitting issues. Additionally, we partner with engineering firms to provide comprehensive air quality support.

Air Quality Permits

How Can We Help You With Your Air Quality Requirements?

Contact us today for all of your atmospheric air quality modeling, air quality monitoring, and expert air quality related litigation support needs.