Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc.

Air Quality Studies and Research

The Sullivan Environmental team has three meteorologists with experience in providing expert testimony.  

Much of this work involves compiling representative emissions data and other model inputs and running dispersion models.  These models evaluate exposures to air pollutants, ranging from toxic air pollutants to heavy metals.  These models and cases also involve odor-causing emissions.  

The Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA) presented a legal case study at its annual meeting in Chicago (June 2013).   

AWMA had a unique session where they invited the opposing attorneys on an air quality litigation matter to discuss the matter and invited David Sullivan, the plaintiff’s expert on the case, to describe a case involving a secondary lead smelter in the Detroit, Michigan, area.  The facility operated from the early 1970s into the 1990s. 

There were emissions data for the stacks, but no data was inventoried for the fugitive emission rates. Our firm offers real-world experts with experience testifying in court. Sullivan Environmental is an expert firm—we don’t have junior staff members who work on projects; we do our projects ourselves.  

EPA had performed some modeling for this facility. We started there and then incrementally refined the modeling, adding background contributions and refining various model inputs.  The competing experts significantly disagreed regarding the magnitude of the fugitive emissions.  

Expert air analysis for litigation requires highly experienced meteorological and air quality expertise.  Sullivan Environmental has three experts with court experience and can support our clients’ air quality consulting needs nationwide.

Air Pollution

AERMOD air dispersion modeling requires expertise and a background in meteorology to defend modeling results with authority in litigation matters.  Furthermore, urban areas generally have the highest population density and the most pollution caused by motor vehicles.  Additionally, this is compounded by heating and other air pollutants.  

Furthermore, AERMOD air dispersion modeling is useful in industrial zones often contribute to the airborne environment in the outlying areas of cities.   

The most efficient way to evaluate divergence in projected versus actual trends in air quality in metropolitan areas is through urban-scale studies.   Additionally, the staff of Sullivan Environmental has conducted numerous urban-scale AERMOD air dispersion modeling studies within the U.S., Eastern Europe, and Indonesia.  The approach is to compile available point source emissions data.  Furthermore, this includes expanding the coverage for area sources such as gridded mobile sources.  

Additionally, this includes accounting for heating and a wide range of toxic air pollutants or specific criteria pollutants (e.g., delicate particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, etc.) based on the composite data set.  

Such data can be compiled at the grid level and linked to population counts, total exposures, and maximum exposure evaluation.  The measurements can identify the weaknesses in the analyses through the connection and reality check provided by connecting the available measured air quality data to the corresponding modeled concentrations.  

Additionally, such steps are based on sensitivity testing of alternative models, model options, mission factors, etc.  

Once the most accurate assessment is identified based on such sensitivity testing, modeled concentrations at the current time and projections into the future can be made more confidently.

For example, Sullivan Environmental developed the AIMS modeling system, which linked emissions, modeling, monitoring, population data, and model performance trend testing into one integrated system. Reviews such as this allow for objectively tracking projected versus actual trends in air quality progress.

Examples of AERMOD air dispersion modeling urban-scale studies managed by our staff include the following metropolitan areas:

  • EPA Philadelphia Integrated Environmental Management Project (IEMP) air toxics
  • EPA Baltimore IEMP air toxics
  • EPA Kanawha Valley. West Virginia cancer / non-cancer study IEMP air toxics
  • EPA Ostrava, Czech Republic air toxics
  • EPA Katowice, Poland air toxics
  • Jakarta, Indonesia (U.S. Trade & Development Agency) criteria pollutants
  • EPA St. Louis SO2
  • Atlanta ozone precursor study
  • EPA Silicon Valley IEMP study air toxics

When there is a need to estimate human exposures to air pollutants, analysts generally have two options:  directly measure the air quality or rely on computerized dispersion models to assess air quality based on the input of source(s) emission rates, meteorological data, and other factors.  Which option is the best choice?  Well, that depends.  Each has its benefits, but the option remains to rely on both.

Assuming that there is a validated protocol and experienced staff to measure air quality reliably, measured data provides the most direct data.  Why would air quality models be needed to estimate air quality if direct measurement is a viable option?  That is a good question, but there are multiple reasons why air quality modeling remains a sound option.

First, air quality monitoring can provide direct and reliable concentrations at specific locations and times, e.g., for an hour or day at a particular area (monitoring site).  What about places where there are no monitors?  Suppose there are concerns about airborne exposures within a neighborhood, for example, from a nearby industrial facility or another source. In that case, having enough monitoring points and directly covering enough periods to evaluate exposures at this scale is infeasible.  

Additionally, air quality modeling estimates air quality throughout the neighborhood (and beyond) on an hour-by-hour basis for multiple years.

There are many times when a source of air pollution is no longer in operation.  This is similar to past operational periods of interest, or the facility(s) in question have shut down. Air quality modeling is not even an option then. Air quality modeling would be the method of choice based on estimates of emission rates at the time of concern.

Does this result in air quality modeling being the preferred option?  The answer for the second case listed above is yes, but if the facility(s) of concern are still operational, the ideal approach is to rely on measured and modeled air quality.  This approach to relying on integrated air quality/monitoring initiatives was an essential component of a former EPA program called the Integrated Environmental Management Project (IEMP).  David Sullivan and Dennis Hlinka of Sullivan Environmental serve as principal investigators and lead modelers for these studies.  

The blog post “Urban-Scale Air Quality Assessment ” contains more details on the IEMP.  Integrated air quality monitoring and modeling also apply at the facility and neighborhood levels.  This applies when measured data are available as a reference point.  

Like the IEMP, we use the measured data as a checkpoint in the modeling to ensure the model selection, model options, emission inputs, etc., produce modeling results that are reasonably consistent with measured observations.  When measured air quality data are unavailable, and the facility is still operational, we can collect representative air quality data, dust fall measurements when applicable to the airborne deposition pathway, and odor samples to compare with odor threshold levels.  Using the measured data is not to calibrate the model, i.e., to force it to match the measurements mathematically, but to “learn” from the measured data the most accurate way to model the observed concentrations.


Sullivan Environmental has extensive air quality monitoring equipment to support our air quality programs, including the following:

  • 46 solar-powered, self-contained air quality sampling systems that address air pollutants using validated methods (SKC air sampling equipment).
  • 15 sonic anemometers to support multiple meteorological sampling profiles to complement air quality monitoring and support data interpretation.
  • 2, 3-dimensional sonic anemometers to provide heat flux data and three-dimensional turbulence data to support air quality modeling initiatives further.
  • 3 Odor sampling systems to support the collection of odor samples for presentation to odor laboratory panels.
  • two soil monitoring systems to measure soil temperature and soil moisture at multiple sampling depths.