Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc.


The primary air quality model in use today in the U.S. is the AERMOD dispersion model.  Extensive testing has been performed to validate AERMOD.  Most of the testing focuses on point sources, such as stack emissions. How accurately does AERMOD estimate air quality impacts for area sources?



Similar to point source treatments, AERMOD can be expected to produce relatively unbiased distributions of exposure that will occur at various locations.   It cannot be expected to match measured data in time and space. What are the area source treatment limits in AERMOD (and predecessor models such as ISCST3)?



As with most analyses, it depends.  Regarding area sources, the question needs to be focused on the energy exchange of the area source compared with the basis for the AERMOD dispersion rates. The dispersion rates in AERMOD are based on Project Prairie Grass (PPG).  The PPG study conducted in the summer of 1956 in O’Neil, Nebraska, is likely the most extensive test of atmospheric dilution rates ever conducted.



The question is: how well does AERMOD perform for area sources that have a high heat capacity and thermal conductivity? Examples include the application of agricultural fumigants on moist fields and wastewater lagoons. The most limiting air quality impacts from surface-based area sources are during nocturnal conditions with highly stable atmospheric conditions.  The PPG study included the evaluation of atmospheric conditions during nocturnal periods. Still, there are two significant limitations:  (1) soil conditions during the summer of 1956 in O’Neil, Nebraska, were at or near the soil wilting point, and (2) except four tracer release periods early in the PPG study, periods with wind speeds less than 2 m/sec were not included during nocturnal periods.



The gradient Richardson Number is a standard indicator of atmospheric stability:

  [Eq. 1]




In other words, the denominator of the Richardson number represents the shear production of mechanical turbulence that acts to produce atmospheric dilution. In contrast, the numerator (N) represents the suppression of turbulence (if the temperature profile is positive/stable) or the enhancement of turbulence (if the temperature profile is hostile/unstable).



We have found through research on approximately 50 studies of agricultural fumigants that the numerator of the gradient Richardson number trends towards isothermal conditions, i.e., there are rarely significant inversion conditions during nighttime periods that would be treated as stable conditions based on AERMOD.  This can produce neutral atmospheric conditions for area sources with high heat capacity and high thermal conductivity.  If the winds are light enough, e.g., < 2 m/sec, insufficient mechanical turbulence can be generated to promote neutral atmospheric conditions, and stable conditions can still occur.  In other words, atmospheric stability over such area sources tends to neutral atmospheric conditions unless wind speeds are very low.

Air Quality

Our team was the Principal Investigator for EPA’s first major urban-scale air toxics study to model air quality.  This was the Philadelphia Integrated Environmental Management (IEMP) study of Philadelphia in the early 1980s.  We inventoried emissions for a large number of chemicals.  

Furthermore, these data are modeled and compared to a 10-station air monitoring network we established.  The modeled and measured data additionally matched reasonably well.  Our team had a question: what statistical tests should we do to demonstrate model performance? 

Our team contacted John Irwin, a senior modeler at the EPA. He responded to us—before the internet—and encouraged us to conduct any tests we desired, emphasizing that those tests were just for reference. Moreover, he stressed that allowing the measured data to “teach” us how to model effectively is far more critical. His insights continue to guide our approach to air quality modeling even 40 years later.

Models are complex.  Furthermore, many equations are used, and modeling involves sophisticated methodology.  A modeler can have an excellent grasp of all these concepts and calculations.  So, the data knows more.  It was there then and can provide a roadmap for refining the analysis. 

Forensic Agricultural Meteorology


There is no commodity more critical to the human race than food production.  The U.S. agricultural output produces excellent food.  While organic produce is increasing, the ability to feed the U.S. population and export to the world depends on the prudent use of pesticides that increase food production yields and quality.  Prudent use requires sound and effective environmental management of the risks associated with the use of pesticides.  


Forensic agricultural meteorology applies meteorology to the fumigation and food production process.


Exposures can be related to applying pesticides and subsequent drift via direct contact with the food purchased.  This blog focuses on forensic agricultural meteorology and airborne exposures, which can be to applicators, farm workers, and the general public as bystanders.


 When there are conflicting views on the adequacy of environmental management, particularly the air quality component, litigation becomes the manner of resolution.  The question addressed in this blog is:  what are the limitations of standard air quality modeling methods when applied to agricultural meteorology?


Forensic agricultural meteorology, specifically evaluating air exposures to pesticides, involves two key factors.  The first is emission rates to the atmosphere as a function of time.  The second is atmospheric dispersion and transport.   

Emission rates are typically determined based on field study research.  These studies involve air quality, and wind speed and direction monitoring systems are used with air quality models.  This involves figuring out emission rates of active ingredients (and inert constituents if needed) as a function of time. 



Sullivan Environmental has conducted over 50 studies to analyze the emission rates of agricultural fumigants over time.  The majority of the studies were done with our partner laboratory Ajwa Labs.

These studies focus on fumigant application and subsequent off-gassing. This research has provided valuable insights into refining emissions factors, including emission factors for area sources. It has broader implications for understanding other complex sources of air pollutants.

What is an agricultural fumigant? Agricultural fumigants produce quality food products.  These substances, applied as a liquid or gas and injected into the soil before planting, help young crops grow by suppressing weeds, diseases, and nematodes—tiny creatures that can harm roots.

Before planting, fumigants are injected into the soil.  They create an environment that supports the growth of young crops by suppressing weeds, diseases, and nematodes—small, worm-like creatures that can damage tender roots.

Sullivan Environmental has likely participated in more agricultural fumigation studies than any other company in the United States.  These studies have involved sampling tens of thousands of air samples for regulatory review.  The lessons learned from agricultural fumigation studies involve developing innovative equipment and methods to collect samples in large-scale studies.  This consists of collecting up to 40 samples simultaneously using solar-powered air sampling pump enclosures. 

This innovation allowed the Sullivan Environmental staff to revolutionize the air sampling of large studies using extremely experienced staff and less labor. This allowed Sullivan Environmental to complete better research using fewer people with advanced equipment. This innovation in air quality consulting methods allowed Sullivan Environmental to conduct most regulatory fumigation flux studies in the United States.  

Our methods, staffing, and equipment are the best in the business.  We can meet your needs if you register a fumigant or need fumigation flux studies for experimental testing.

Agricultural Fumigant Flux Study

Pesticides improve crop yield and quality, crucial for feeding the world’s population. However, airborne exposures to the people applying the pesticide and those near the application pose potential risks. Additionally, it is essential to manage emissions from pesticide applications in an environmentally responsible way.

There are different types of pesticides.  One class of fumigants is applied pre-plan (methyl bromide, metam sodium, chloropicrin, 1,3 dichloropropene, etc.).  Another form is less volatile pesticides, such as those used with crops in the field.  Additionally, there are non-volatile pesticides in powder form.  

Additionally, airborne exposures to both applicators and bystanders pose potential risks. Two methods for assessing human exposure to volatile pesticides are direct measurement and dispersion modeling. Dispersion modeling considers emission rates based on the pesticide, application, and sealing methods. Sullivan Environmental utilizes both approaches.

Direct Measurement: We’re excited to share that our dedicated team has completed over 60 field trials to assess pesticide emission rates during and after application.  Additionally, understanding fugitive emissions can be challenging as they fluctuate based on factors like time of day and downwind conditions. 

Pesticides enhance crop yield and quality, providing essential benefits to feeding the world’s population.  Focusing on the volatile pesticides, applicators must apply and seal the long-term viability of such pesticides when necessary in a manner that meets the health criteria established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


There are two ways to evaluate human exposure to volatile pesticides:  (1) direct measurement and (2) AERMOD air quality dispersion modeling on emission rates that are a function of the pesticide, application method, and sealing method.  Sullivan Environmental conducts analysis based on both of these methods. 

Landfill odor evaluations are essential to communities to manage waste in a way that is good for the planet.   In some cases, landfills also produce significant odor complaints, most notably associated with releasing hydrogen sulfide, a gas with a low odor threshold and rotten eggs odor.   Depending on the sequencing of the cells at a landfill, certain areas may release more or less gas, i.e., the releases are not necessarily uniform across the full extent of the landfills.  Our staff can monitor or model odors and other releases using software such as AERMOD.

Sullivan Environmental specializes in characterizing landfill odor from complex fugitive area sources that impact landfills. We have developed two techniques to calculate the emission rates of chemicals such as hydrogen sulfide. The first is the profile method, which collects concentration and wind data using masts between 0.3 meters and 3-6 meters high. We utilize the integrated horizontal flux method for this approach. The second method is the back-calculation method, which relies on measured concentrations around the perimeter of the source.  

This method combines with normalized air quality dispersion modeling to back-calculate the emission rate. If multiple areas need to be evaluated, we can determine several source areas simultaneously, provided adequate upwind monitoring at each location ensures accurate isolation. The back-calculation method can also assess composite airborne emissions from wastewater lagoons.

Once we identify the emission rates, we can use air model software to show the worst-case scenarios, average conditions, and frequency analysis related to odor thresholds. We typically utilize the AERMOD dispersion model for most applications, while the CALPUFF model is used for specific cases.

Sullivan Environmental has extensive air quality monitoring equipment to support our air quality programs, including the following (partial list):

  • 46 air quality sampling systems that sample the air quality based on validated methods.
  • 15 sonic anemometers to support multiple meteorological sampling profiles to complement air quality monitoring and support data interpretation.
  • 2, 3-dimensional sonic anemometers to provide heat flux data and three-dimensional turbulence data to support air quality modeling initiatives further.
  • 3 Odor sampling systems to support the collection of odor samples for presentation to odor laboratory panels.
  • two soil monitoring systems to measure soil temperature and soil moisture at multiple sampling depths.