Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc.

Our Clients (Partial List)

Air Pollution

Sullivan Environmental is trusted by these industrial, government, and commercial clients to provide atmospheric air quality modeling, monitoring, and expert air quality and environmental sampling-related litigation support services.  Additionally, this is a partial Sullivan Environmental client list that does not include all of our clients.


Ajwa Analytical Laboratories
Air and Waste Management Association
Alexandria, VA
Allegheny County, PA
Allied Asphalt
American Chemistry Council
Attorney’s General Office
Bayer Crop Sciences
BLC Properties
Blue Circle Cement
California Strawberry Commission
Chaney Enterprises
Chemical Formulators
Chloropicrin Task Force
City of Boston, MA
The City of Frederick, MD
City of Herndon, CO
Coalition for Responsible Farmers
Cyrus Miami Mining Corporation
Digital Realty
District of Columbia Corporation Counsel
EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
The EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
EPA Office of Internal Affairs
The EPA Office of Policy and Program Evaluation
EPA Office of Research and Development
The EPA Office of Solid Waste
EPA Office of Toxic Substances
The United States EPA (Region VII)
EPA Region III
Essroc Cement Corporation
Fairfax County Government
Federal Highway Administration
Geico Insurance
Heochst Celanese
Holnam Cement
Howard University
Italian Embassy, Washington DC
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Maryland Department of the Environment
Metam Sodium Task Force
Michigan Potato Commission
Olin Chemical
Piedmont Environmental Council
Ratto Brothers
Rhone Poulenc
RSR Corporation
SGL Carbon
Shell Chemical Company
Sherwin Williams
Silverwood Companies
Southern Water Treatment Company
Sterling Paper
Tessenderlo Kerley
Union Carbide
United States Air Force
The United States Department of Agriculture
United States Department of Justice
The United States Department of Transportation
United States Trade and Development Agency
The University of Cincinnati
Washington State Potato Commission
Western Farm Service
The World Bank

Additionally, this Sullivan Environmental client list includes selected clients and does not include all of our clients.  Furthermore, some of our clients are confidential due to the litigation work we are involved in with ongoing projects. We generally don’t list our litigation clients for client confidentiality due to discoverability concerns related to ongoing projects.