Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc.

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Sampling in Hazardous Environments

Emergency Testing Services - Air Quality
Once downwind air quality data becomes available after an incident; the peak exposure period has typically already passed. Effective emergency air monitoring in hazardous environments requires specialized equipment and training. Prompt air sampling is critical for assessing impacts on human health. Sullivan Environmental has extensive experience in air quality sampling and weather monitoring, allowing us to address the coverage gaps that often occur. Our findings are documented in a formal report that can be purchased by individuals, government agencies, attorneys, and corporations.


Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc. offers a rapid deployment system that can collect air quality data from anywhere in the country for Emergency Air Monitoring, depending on staff availability on the day of the incident or the following day. This prompt response is essential and often lacking in the industry, as it helps reconstruct air quality exposures related to specific events.


Emergency monitoring in hazardous environments is often important since samples are collected when they are harmful.  This documentation encompasses independent laboratory analyses, a thorough expert report outlining the findings, and air sample chain of custody (COC) transfer forms that track the samples from collection to analysis.

Additionally, the documentation features calibration records that verify the measurement equipment’s accuracy and GPS coordinates for all sampling locations to ensure precise data collection. It also includes measurements of the sensor height at each site, which is critical for understanding air quality data in relation to local environmental conditions.



The following video demonstrates some of the equipment used:


Sullivan Environmental Consulting staff performs a test study – see the test study: