Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc.

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We are Experts in Meteorological Research.

Sullivan Environmental deploys meteorological equipment for microscale meteorological research studies. We have approximately 17 sonic anemometers and multiple three-dimensional sonic anemometers for research purposes.  All of our sensors can run continuously using solar and battery power options of various sizes.  We also maintain five data logging meteorological data logging systems.


Sullivan Environmental typically deploys Campbell Scientific brand meteorological equipment, including 3-dimensional sonic anemometer systems and Windsonic4L sonic anemometer systems. Depending on the type of research, various measurement speeds and data loggers and data logging programs can be used. Our equipment is typically used to evaluate the dispersion of agricultural fumigants for dispersion modeling purposes. However, it has also been used for other types of research and can be deployed to support whatever research initiatives require high-resolution meteorological data.


Our Meteorological Research Services include:

  • Latent and sensible heat flux assessment
  • Microscale meteorological research
  • Wind turbine feasibility
  • Agricultural fumigation flux research
  • Wind data to support dispersion modeling
  • Site-specific wind flux data acquisition
  • Co-variance analysis
  • Highly experienced in installing Campbell Scientific meteorological equipment
  • Establishment of remote meteorological stations
  • Other surface-based flux assessments

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