- info@sullivan-environmental.com
- 1900 Elkin Street, Suite 200, Alexandria VA 22308
- (703) 780-4580
Urban air quality is the resulting quality of air to which urban residents are exposed. It is a complex mixture driven by emission sources and environmental sinks that interacts with topography, meteorology, and ecology. At Sullivan Environmental, we study composition, chemistry and potential effects of urban air quality.
Breathe Easy Jakarta – Sullivan Environmental Consulting served as the contractors to the US Trade and Development Agency on the United States and Indonesian cooperative project Breath Easy Jakarta. This work included emissions inventory assessment, CALPUFF dispersion modeling of the Jakarta metropolitan area, and the development of the design for an air quality and meteorological monitoring network for the Jakarta metropolitan area.
Project Silesia – Sullivan Environmental has performed extensive urban scale analysis in Ostrava, Czech Republic and Katowice, Poland. This project that was performed for the U.S. EPA involved extensive emissions assessment, dispersion modeling, and model performance evaluation for criteria and toxic air pollutants. Heavy industry included coking operations, steel mills, power plants, and chemical facilities. Areawide emissions included home heating (including coal use), and mobile sources.
AIMS Urban Scale Modeling System – Based on experience with temporal and spatial allocation, and integration of emissions, modeling, and monitoring data, Sullivan Environmental developed for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the urban-scale Air Quality Integrated Management System (AIMS). Subsequent to the Clean Air Act of 1990, Sullivan Environmental developed AIMS and installed the system on a demonstration basis for the Baltimore metropolitan area.
9 City Study in Russian Federation – Sullivan Environmental served as a subcontractor for air quality monitoring and data analysis conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health in 9 cities in the Russian Federation. Samples of a range of toxic air pollutants were analyzed to evaluate public exposures. In addition to participating in the planning meetings and conducting site visits, Sullivan Environmental conducted data review and statistical analysis in support of the interpretation of this data set.
United States Metropolitan Urban Air Assessments – The Staff at Sullivan Environmental has conducted detailed metropolitan-scale studies in the following metropolitan areas: Philadelphia (PA), Baltimore (MD), Charleston (WV), Silicon Valley (CA), Houston (TX), Atlanta (GA), and St. Louis (MO).