Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc.

Air Pollution

AERMOD air dispersion modeling requires expertise and a background in meteorology to defend modeling results with authority in litigation matters.  Furthermore, urban areas generally have the highest population density and the most pollution caused by motor vehicles.  Additionally, this is compounded by heating and other air pollutants.  

Furthermore, AERMOD air dispersion modeling is useful in industrial zones often contribute to the airborne environment in the outlying areas of cities.   

The most efficient way to evaluate divergence in projected versus actual trends in air quality in metropolitan areas is through urban-scale studies.   Additionally, the staff of Sullivan Environmental has conducted numerous urban-scale AERMOD air dispersion modeling studies within the U.S., Eastern Europe, and Indonesia.  The approach is to compile available point source emissions data.  Furthermore, this includes expanding the coverage for area sources such as gridded mobile sources.  

Additionally, this includes accounting for heating and a wide range of toxic air pollutants or specific criteria pollutants (e.g., delicate particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, etc.) based on the composite data set.  

Such data can be compiled at the grid level and linked to population counts, total exposures, and maximum exposure evaluation.  The measurements can identify the weaknesses in the analyses through the connection and reality check provided by connecting the available measured air quality data to the corresponding modeled concentrations.  

Additionally, such steps are based on sensitivity testing of alternative models, model options, mission factors, etc.  

Once the most accurate assessment is identified based on such sensitivity testing, modeled concentrations at the current time and projections into the future can be made more confidently.

For example, Sullivan Environmental developed the AIMS modeling system, which linked emissions, modeling, monitoring, population data, and model performance trend testing into one integrated system. Reviews such as this allow for objectively tracking projected versus actual trends in air quality progress.

Examples of AERMOD air dispersion modeling urban-scale studies managed by our staff include the following metropolitan areas:

  • EPA Philadelphia Integrated Environmental Management Project (IEMP) air toxics
  • EPA Baltimore IEMP air toxics
  • EPA Kanawha Valley. West Virginia cancer / non-cancer study IEMP air toxics
  • EPA Ostrava, Czech Republic air toxics
  • EPA Katowice, Poland air toxics
  • Jakarta, Indonesia (U.S. Trade & Development Agency) criteria pollutants
  • EPA St. Louis SO2
  • Atlanta ozone precursor study
  • EPA Silicon Valley IEMP study air toxics